Antonio Jose

[phil] Real Name: Philip Graf
Occupation: McDonald's Grill Boy Eternally
Age: 19ish
Height: 69 or so
Weight: 160ish
Blood Type: C++

Special Moves

Antonioken Dragon Punch
Holy Hammer of Allah
Kick Ass Fireball of Redemption
Sit on the couch motionless for hours
Beg parents for money

Normally a mild-mannered reporter for the Southern Illusion, Antonio becomes a super ninja when danger calls. He just reaches in the fridge and pulls out an ice cold Bud. Then another, and another, and another, until he becomes ten feet tall and bulletproof, able to kick the ass of any Sanchez that steps in his way. This theory has yet to be tested though, but wise man say Benito will soon experiment.
