Benito Jose

[scott] Real Name: Scott Powers
Occupation: Art Student / ex-programmer / tit puller
Height: 4'21"
Weight: 160
Blood Type: C++

Special Moves

Shin-Benitosan Fireball
Apple Toss
The Move That Looks Like A Special Move But Isn't
The Break-up Fake-out
Benitosmokinkrak major change


Benito came from the frozen lands of the northwesternmost part of southern Illinois, with a banjo on his knee. From the moment he emerged on the scene, people knew they were in the presence of greatness, but were immediately let down when he left town to become a bounty hunter.
Benito isn't sure why he's in the tournament. In fact, he's not sure about anything. Most likely, someone asked him if he wanted to be in a tournament of fighters, and he agreed even though he didn't want to. Then, later he backs out. Why is he wearing a dress?
