Samurai Story appeared in Grandpa's Lap #5. It was done mainly because I
was getting a little tired of drawing Dragon Ass after a whopping 29 pages,
so I just wanted to do a bloody, vulgar samurai story. I had a few more
issues planned out, but after this issue appeared and got the rousing public
response of "Where's Dragon Ass?", I decided to drop it.
People have told me that this story looks sloppy, and it does. But just
remember that I drew this all with a Pilot gel pen and a toothbrush, and
I didn't sketch anything out first. So looking back, I think it looks pretty
good for the tools I used.
Another interesting thing about this story is that by the time it appeared
in print, Grandpa's Lap had been reviewed in a couple of other magazines,
and more than one person said that the lack of a female artist made the
magazine look like an immature boys' club. So I responded by drawing seven
pages of a hung over dude cutting up naked chicks with a big sword. Ironically
enough, the issue that this story was in was the last
issue... |
Read Random Samurai Story |
© Scott Powers |