

Dear me age three, 1980
In a little bitty village called Venedy
It’s me, albeit from a future tree
Where your home and family has turned out fabulously

Never dreamed that I would see a present tense so free
That I could expend every bit of extrasensory energy
Verily unto thee I decree presently
I be visiting myself in the past lyrically

You’re gonna experience things that’ll make you wanna hide
In a bubble that didn’t break no matter how hard you tried
But you’re gonna find your mind gets locked inside
Dragging baggage through your life all along for the ride

So wear that smile with pride little guy
Sit back in sunshine let your parents drive
For a while let your sense of the divine come alive
You got some big dreams and it’s tough to survive

When you’re five, you’ll go to school which is cool
Cuz you’ll pool your intelligence to prove that you’re nobody’s fool
Receiving resources and developing the tools
For a structure and a framework as you learn life’s rules

Yeah, which is all good and well
But along with that on Sunday gonna learn about hell
Will you be cast out? It’s too early to tell
But you’ll get along swell where you dwell all is well

Dear me age seven, you’re gonna get to heaven
But it ain’t gonna be like you picture when you’re eleven
It’s not some faraway celestial device
Just a place inside each person you can see when you’re nice

So think twice about falling to fear as a motivator
Because fate comes to haunt you baby sooner or later
Karma is a bitch and you probably won’t escape her
Consider this as you put your pencil to the paper

And pen out a letter to your older self
In the land of possibility and potential future wealth
Requesting some help or some magic from an elf
To come and ease the anguish of your painful mental health

You might have never had any big T Trauma
But that don’t stop your noggin from causing all the drama
It’s consistently assistance resistant, comma,
And frequently insists that you go cryin’ home to mama

Dear me as a teen, damn, kids are mean
But they frequently are dealing with some shit you haven’t seen
So prepare for despair, panic, angst and anger
And praying that some girl will maybe want you to bang her

Now here’s where a lot of those bubbles are being formed
And we find out our hero starts to deviate from the norm
Hormones storming up emotions through the dorm
Watching porn on vhs he’s got stored in the corn

There’s more small t traumas related to dating
And the pressure of developing a relationship worth mating
Matters in my hands and I can not be overrstating
The variety of circumstances that found me masturbating

And hating myself wholly not holy enough
Bishops and religious leaders grabbed me by the scruff
Said “sex is of the devil boy you better get tough,
Tie your hands up to the bedpost and stop touching your stuff!”

Pop! There goes a bubble
They tend to burst best when I confess my times of trouble
Staring in the mirror with my hands in the stubble
Seeing double past and future then the present in the rubble

I stumble over what I can say to this kid
God and Satan warring gonna make him flip his lid
Don’t believe anyone meant any harm by what they did
But it caused a lot of damage that I kinda thought I hid

Dear me at 23, please dude please
Get assistance for mental illness medicinally
Gonna take a long time to find and treat your disease
Partially cuz you only suffer occasionally

Part of that therapy assigned to me
That I got around to getting to eventually
Is to step across the lea into memory
And pop these little bubbles until the prices of me are free

Dear me at 43, more recently
You’re still gonna experience things traumatically
I plead take heed for what’s left of your life
There’s nothing more important than your children and your wife

Through the strife stay popping till you’re dead don’t drop
You might never make the pop charts but you’re already on top
Going back and liberating bubbles with a pop
Webdisaster has to rhyme nonstop