Article Archive

Spiritual Paths 1/21/06 by Racheal

Game Misconduct 2006 1/20/06 by phil

I got nothin'... 1/11/06 by scott

The Real World (Not MTV's) 12/4/05 by oldestgenxer

An en to all the rumors... 10/31/05 by mushingirl

Fraudstar Commercial 10/26/05 by oldestgenxer

Fermat's Enigma for the Common Man 10/12/05 by oldestgenxer

Just Sit Right Back 9/14/05 by oldestgenxer

My Crotch Smells Like Birthday Cake! 9/1/05 by scott

iTunes, therefore iAm 8/25/05 by scott

Burger Pilgrimage: A Long Days� Journey Into Condiments 8/12/05 by oldestgenxer

Zen and The Art of Homelessness 7/27/05 by oldestgenxer

How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation 7/20/05 by scott

Legacy Means Gets Some New Stuff, Retard! 7/17/05 by oldestgenxer

Diary of the Dude from Nanaca Crash, May 5 2005 5/3/05 by scott

Area Man Becomes Celebrity Of Sorts After Strange Order 4/19/05 by drinknsmoke79

What a Rip Off 4/8/05 by Racheal

I know no one cares and they're late as hell, but here are January's search strings 2/23/05 by scott

Over the Hills and Far Awry 2/21/05 by oldestgenxer

Three Second Song Review 2/18/05 by Racheal

My Ding-a-Ling! 2/14/05 by oldestgenxer

A Rockin Good Time 2/4/05 by gargoyle7

National Campaign 2/3/05 by Racheal

Good Eye, Sniper... 1/27/05 by adam

Your Ad Here 1/15/05 by scott

'Twas the Week After Christmas 1/3/05 by oldestgenxer

December Search Strings. WTF part II 1/2/05 by scott

A Trip to the Nuthouse 12/22/04 by Racheal

I'm Gonna Win a 50 Inch Flatscreen PART TWO: Turns Out I'm Not Gonna Win a 50 Inch Flatscreen 12/17/04 by scott

Welcome to Chicago. My name is Bill. I will be your server. 12/7/04 by Racheal

Where do you want to go today? 12/1/04 by scott

Thanksgiving--the RPG 11/25/04 by oldestgenxer

THE FAWNAL COUNTDOWN 11/3/04 by drinknsmoke79

I went and saw Rem last night... 10/20/04 by scott

STALKER??? DAMN NEAR KILLED HER!!! 10/14/04 by drinknsmoke79

OGX, the sequel. 10/12/04 by oldestgenxer

I'm gonna win a motherfuckin' 50-inch flatscreen, bitches! 10/7/04 by scott

George Lucas Has Lost His Mind!!! 9/24/04 by mushingirl

THE GREATEST AMERICAN SIMILIES 9/23/04 by drinknsmoke79

The Wind Beneath My Wings: A Tribute to My Brother 9/15/04 by scott

The Vain and the Glorious 9/13/04 by oldestgenxer

A WebD Baby Story 9/13/04 by phil

Bill Gates' Excellent Adventure 9/13/04 by oldestgenxer

The Timeless Bliss from the Attic 9/6/04 by oldestgenxer

It only took three tries... 9/4/04 by mushingirl

On The Same Page 8/31/04 by Racheal

REMEMBER "V.C.R.s" 8/29/04 by drinknsmoke79

YOUR PRAYERS ARE ANSWERED. 8/29/04 by oldestgenxer


The Quest to Defeat Wart is Finally Over 8/28/04 by scott

Finally, an almost ok summer movie... 8/27/04 by mushingirl

MY COURTNEY TIS OF THEE 8/27/04 by drinknsmoke79

Exorcist: The beginning - Crap, crap, crap and more crap! 8/24/04 by mushingirl

A Labor Day Weekend that will Live in Infamy 8/23/04 by scott

Older and Farther Away 8/22/04 by oldestgenxer

Wow! What a Piece of Shit! 8/14/04 by scott

The Bittersweet Feeling of Leaving... 7/31/04 by mushingirl

Burning Out Fast... or, Everything I Needed to Know I Learned While Staring Blankly at a Computer Screen 7/22/04 by scott

A time for trying new things... 7/19/04 by mushingirl

How I spent my summer vacation 7/19/04 by oldestgenxer

WTF? 7/17/04 by scott

Creature of habit... 7/11/04 by mushingirl

Right On 7/9/04 by scott

That is the smell of Ambivalence 7/9/04 by oldestgenxer

The Scorpions must be in town, because there's a wind of change a-blowin' 7/9/04 by scott

That was a condom? 7/5/04 by mushingirl

Questions? Comments? 7/5/04 by oldestgenxer

Coasting on Empty 7/5/04 by scott

A sponsorship 7/5/04 by oldestgenxer

You Don't Know The Secret Handshake? 7/5/04 by mushingirl

I have good news and bad news.. . . . 7/4/04 by oldestgenxer

the annoying little sister 7/4/04 by lordess_penguin

Some Privacy, Please? 7/2/04 by philh

I can relate 6/30/04 by mushingirl

Read directions carefully. 6/30/04 by oldestgenxer

Bargain Shopping Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be, Part 2 6/27/04 by phil

Outlet Mall... or... What the Fuck is that? Can we swear on this site? 6/27/04 by mushingirl

Go See Fahrenheit 9/11 6/27/04 by scott

UP, UP, AND AWAY!!! 6/26/04 by oldestgenxer

Dorks of the World, Unite...or...Feel the Power of the Dork Side 6/24/04 by mushingirl

Categoric denial. 6/24/04 by oldestgenxer

You win this round, oldestgenxer!! 6/24/04 by scott

And So Late On A School Night, er, Work Night... 6/24/04 by mushingirl

Welcome to my submarine Lair 6/24/04 by oldestgenxer

Um, I like breakfast grains... 6/23/04 by mushingirl

WebD has a new sort of vitality 6/23/04 by phil

Hot Meat Injection 6/22/04 by scott

THE HAPPY DAYS ,OR BAD TIMES TO COME 6/22/04 by drinknsmoke79

I'm Gonna Rule The Fuckin' World, Bitches! 6/22/04 by scott

Yipes drinksmoke, relax... 6/22/04 by mushingirl


Application for the League of Ordinary Gentlemen. 6/20/04 by mushingirl

Scott & Kim's Excellent Adventure 6/6/04 by scott

Superpowers are relative 5/31/04 by oldestgenxer

Letters From an Old Guy, Vol. 2 5/20/04 by scott

HOW TO PUT A TRUCK IN THE DITCH 5/19/04 by drinknsmoke79

Seven Mary Three Triumphantly Returns... To Players Bar & Grill in Decatur Illinois 5/14/04 by scott

In Search of the True Meaning of Cinco de Mayo 5/5/04 by scott

Crazy Videos Now On iTunes 4/29/04 by phil

hiyaaaaawwwwwnnnnnoooo 4/26/04 by godsmustbecrazy

Honey, I Think the Plant Exploded Again! 4/25/04 by scott

Lunchtime Follies 4/23/04 by scott

State Trustability Rankings 4/23/04 by phil


Pseudo-Fun With Captions 4/21/04 by phil

ONLY AT CASEYS GENERAL STORES 4/20/04 by drinknsmoke79

No Picture For Lack Of Better Computer 4/18/04 by drinknsmoke79

Specially Blended to Emit Carbon Monoxide 4/8/04 by philh

Announcing Attention Deficit Something! 4/7/04 by scott

A Blank Tattoo Canvas 4/7/04 by phil

Avoid Conflict Today; Let Go of the Reins. 4/6/04 by scott

Be Fruitful; Multiply. Misspell 'Honor'. 4/6/04 by scott

Be Moderate When It Comes to Pleasure; Avoid Fatigue. 4/5/04 by scott

Mankind Firmly Establishes Its Place as 'Greatest Species on Earth' With New Doritos Rollitos 3/24/04 by scott

Phil and Beer in Splitsville? 3/24/04 by phil

In my defense 3/14/04 by Racheal

Game Misconduct 2004 Post-Game Wrap Up 3/14/04 by scott

"Letter From an Old Guy", vol. 1 3/12/04 by scott

Game Misconduct 2004: Newsletter #2 3/12/04 by phil

Thought for the day 3/11/04 by godsmustbecrazy

The Book is Way Better, Dude 3/2/04 by philh

I'm in the Money! 3/2/04 by scott

An Apology 2/26/04 by scott

Game Misconduct 2004: Newsletter #1 2/25/04 by phil

Game Misconduct 2004 2/23/04 by phil

Wild Kingdom 2/19/04 by scott

Dude, Did You See Me Kicking Ass in the Pit? 2/17/04 by scott

What Teachers Shouldn't Say 2/11/04 by philh

The Real World of Nostradamus 1/25/04 by philh

Rating the Candidates 1/25/04 by scott

The Horror of Frankenstein 1/25/04 by scott

What is the Deal? #1 1/23/04 by phil

State Of The Website Address 1/23/04 by scott

Be Nice to Me, I Gave Blood Today! 1/22/04 by philh

Message From Monks 1/22/04 by monks

Lifestyles: The Official Condom of Dian Fossey 1/14/04 by scott

Tips For Parking Your Car 1/14/04 by phil

The Difference Between What I Wanted to Do on the 13th of February, and What I Will Probably Do on the 13th of February 1/13/04 by Racheal

What I Was Going To Do On Friday, Feb 13th 1/12/04 by phil

This Is What You're Doing On Friday, February 13th 1/12/04 by scott

The First Ever Positive Review of Star Wars Episode II 1/10/04 by phil

The Most Unbiased Review Ever Written of The Hateful Dead's 'Temptress' 1/7/04 by scott

Take Note Kids: Withdrawal Sucks 12/13/03 by scott

A Perfect Circle: The Thirteenth Step 12/12/03 by scott

Scott Gains A Level! 12/11/03 by scott

Up In Smoke 12/9/03 by scott

As for the monk there is work 12/7/03 by monks