shotgun season

The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness before it dies
Spawned upon the crossing along pecan and mill
With a haunted plot of coffins vaulted up under the hill
Out at dawn he was drawn like a lot of pawns will
With a yawn on the lawn gone to fawn over the kill
Blood spilled made him ill but still he willed his feet
Past the street through the fields up the tree to his seat
Picked a perfect point to practice patient presence by the wheat
It’s the pits popping pulses but us people gotta eat
Not even a peep outta Bambi like he planned
So he slips to sleep leaning quite obliquely in the stand
Strands of light and heat peek down at the land
As the sun reaches sweetly like a mother’s loving hand
To his brow, where now sand resides in his eyes
Not even dreaming of bringing a large carcass to the guys
Instead he’s off to the land where the fairy queen flies
To get a gander at the prize between her fictional flying thighs
Then surprise! Snaps a rumble out from under the slumber
An unknown creature’s fumble cracked a crispy little lumber
Snap! Gasp grasping at the nature and number
When Bob Ross paints his pants he’ll need a lot of burnt umber
beat the devil out of it
Now somnambulistically semi-ambulatory
The kid remembers he’s to be the hero of the story
So he snaps alert cuz shit’s about to get a little gory
When you disrupt a mammal’s plasma being circulatory
No oratory can underscore the awesome glory
Of seeing a buck snorting in it’s natural territory
And I’m not one for predatorily stalking my quarry
But I had to take a minute to be appreciatory
Only us to witness this moment we’re endowed
Each scared shitless breath steaming in a cloud
But If I was ever gonna get to make the family proud
Need to speedily take advantage of every second I’m allowed
My only hope is that this fucker’s frightened as me
And he’s frozen in his fear over the demon in the tree
I know that he can see me but maybe unable to flee
My analysis says paralysis so baby let’s see…
The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness until it dies
In one slow breath I put the target on his heart
And draw upon the trigger exactly like I was taught
It felt like I had ripped the whole forest apart
With the thunder that erupted from the murder I had wrought
gunshot sfx
Difficult to describe just what happened sequentially
When you use the hand of God to kill a mammal intentionally
Essentially you see we we’ll all be nothing eventually
But then again I tend to process events unconventionally
The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness while it dies
The buck spent a second terror level elevated
Then all his potential energy kinetically deflated
Elated that that my prey’s fate couldn’t be evaded
I waited impatient ’til the threat of escape was abated
Bambi breathless in the brush without a lurch
Grateful that the body didn’t fall too far to search
Delightedly excited he descended down the perch
and approached a tableau holier than that of any church
Lids left open I could stare into his eye
Looked exactly like the mammals that my family and I
Spent so much time trying to provide for i wondered why
Did I decide this cursed majestic woodland creature had to die?
I could cry like a tattooed stabbing anime assassin
But I’d never hear the end of the other hunters’ harrassin’
The passion of the vicious victory was quickly passin’
So I collapsed down to where the pool of blood was amassin’
class is in session
Mighty hunter had never field dressed a deer
Reluctant to instruct himself now and here
How to patiently cut away all the doubt and fear
And strip this cervidae of its abdominal veneer
Pretty near to the truck and the buck’s pretty light
So I decline to use my knife and just grab on tight
Tag him and then drag him up the slope and to the right
Gotta register the kill before the warden starts a fight
outta sight
Weigh-in at the station and then home with the booty
Proud of myself for doing what I thought was my duty
Little Scootie bagged a beauty though the cost would be weighty
He could still see the kill in 1920×1080
The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness after it dies
Grazing at the table as fate would later decide
Dad gazed at my face with varied sympathy and pride
But a little mystified as to why I’d want to hide
That precious moment from his eyes like his wish had been denied
I don’t know why that I hadn’t thought to call
For my father when I slaughtered the fawn after the fall
I’d thought my job was accomplish it solo or not at all
Hadn’t occurred that I could crawl up on his shoulders to be tall
It’s not like I’d meant to ever hurt anybody’s feelings
I just didn’t have experience with these ungulate dealings
Had a similar situation slaying hogs with all the squealing
Mind reeling that we’ve been eating the friends that we’ve been feeding
eat your wheaties
Now what’s the exact point that I’m actually trying to send
Hell if I know I just got back my two cents to spend
The line’s a little blurry whether furry’s food or friend
Push the pennies in the slurry and then hurry to the end
The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness while it sighs
And to my mind an identical ideology would advise
Exercising equal empathy regardless of the size
Whether you tan hides or munch burgers and fries
Emphasize what life supplies before and after it dies
What I just presented as the end is the beginning
The synopsis of the topic as myopic as Trump winning
The long view says siblings maybe shouldn’t be sinning
Even if they don’t believe God made the earth start spinning
Shalt not kill, that’s top five, innit?
Stimulated my teenage brain to say wait a minute
Life requires cognitive dissonance just to live it
So why is it so motherfucking difficult for us to pivot
Wishes in one palm shit in the other
Just wash your damn phalanges before you hug your brother
And for god’s sake or otherwise stop killing one another
Unless you plan to smother ‘em in mushrooms garlic and butter
Did I stutter?
Just because you’re anti-hunting doesn’t mean you’re not a cunt
Who do you think plucks chickens for the nuggets that you want
The play is bird murder and you just can’t punt
By smuggling in some illegal doubles to perform the stunt
And I don’t really care if you do or do not eat
A meal that’s complete either with or without meat
But I suggest reflection before you can take your seat
If your feet aren’t fleet larger creatures get a treat
I repeat: life greets human beings with a balance
Resource deprivation demands exceptional talents
For every Liberty Valance there’s another John Wayne
There to shoot his way to fame , It’s a little insane
The way game
Means prey
Or to play
Who’s to say
What melee fate has in store for me today
Tomorrow’s never promised us and that’s ok
Just be loving to the living and the dead along the way
The nearest thing this weird little deer hunter surmised
To God that can be witnessed the way human law applies
Is to spy into the light behind another life’s eyes
And supply it with divinely inspired kindness while it sighs
And to my mind an identical ideology would advise
Exercising equal empathy regardless of the size
Whether you tan hides or munch burgers and fries
Emphasize what life supplies before and after it dies